I've got a new love and his name is aubergine/eggplant:
There are so many yummy things you can do with this delicious vegetable, but since the last couple of days have been super hot I decided to turn this little dude into a délicieuse salad.
A Noodle-Aubergine/Eggplant-Zucchini/Courgette-Tomato-Mozzarella-Salad
(this name is definately too long)
Cook noodles, cut zucchini/courgette and aubergine/eggplant. Fry and flavour them.
Cut tomatoes and mozzarella, put everything into a bowl. I added two tablespoons of Miracel Whip (yes, it's spelled Miracel and not miracle... Germans :D... Miracel Whip is similar to salad cream, but I prefer the taste of Whip.) a tablespoon of vinegar, salt, pepper, rosemary and a little bit of chili powder.
Put it in the fridge to cool down and enjoy.
yum yum |
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